
Showing posts from 2018

Thank God

I personally did not understand this before. However, I can truly say that God has used all my hurt, pain, shame, brokenness, trials and tribulations to Bless many people. God has called me to a place of purpose. A place where I can give Hope and shine the light on Sexual Abuse. For many years I was silent, then I spoke with a voice that was weak and now I stand with my head held high, full of Strength, Courage and a Powerful Voice. A voice that will continue to tell many stories of Survivor's who suffer in Silence. A voice that will continue to Praise God because if it had not been for him, I truly do not know where I would be. My God is a protector, a healer, he can deliver you, a Redeemer and he is a God of restoration. TRUST HIS WILL!

Keeping the Hope Alive

As long as I am here on this earth, I will not stop encouraging, uplifting and inspiring others. To many are suffering in Silence! With no one that understands the hurt and pain they carry inside. Truth is, I was introduced to a higher power that can carry all my burdens, fears, struggles and sins. He is a all knowing , all powerful and He has never forsaken me. He is my rock, my healer, my provider, my protector, my strength my way maker and my everything! The Lord has turned my pain into a testimony with a platform to tell others, of his powers. My God is Awesome!

Self Awareness

Be Encouraged, Be Empowered, Be Inspired while staying Motivated!