
Showing posts from May, 2017


You have to be determined, dedicated and persistent on your Healing Journey. If we continue to not get help, we have given our power back to the people who abused us. I will not be defeated by the lies and the tricks that the enemy uses to try to destroy me. I refuse to stay the victim, that is what I use to be. I Am now a Survivor, thriving in this world! I will use my voice, loud and proud with no more guilt or shame! This is my Story with a Purpose!

I Believe You

Many victims of Sexual Assault just want to be told "I believe you"! Some just want support because the healing process is a journey.  Most just need to be encouraged. We all want to be truly Loved and have someone to count on no matter what! Many times we have to encourage ourselves. The fight is not the battle itself, the fight is to never give up! Be Blessed!